Wednesday 26 October 2011

Minutes from meeting 17th October

Present: Beth, Julia, Ian

Books for the craft event- Julia has got some books. She will give half the books to Beth to cut into the relevant pages for creating trees. Does anybody else want to help with this? Its pretty simple and many hands make lighter work. 
Bookstore at Oakmere-We feel that two events is as much as we have the capacity for at the moment. If anybody else wants to run an event for Oxfam in the Bookstore at Oakmere contact Beth by November 1st. otherwise Beth will contact them and let them know that we cant cover this year.
Co-op gig- We decided we can cover the following for this event: Sale of books as long as books are donated by staff and customers prior to the event. School class attending as long as staff can cover the logistics of this bit. Dress down day for staff, Hampers supplied by co-op, facepainting, money off vouchers, press, cheshire FM and papers-(Beth to sort), healthy eating bags, ethical eating talk by the co-op, human joke machine, craft making stall, craft kits, sculpture from junk ( maybe in a dove, snowman, fairy, star shape) Refreshments from the co-op and choir.

Date decided on 16th December 11-4pm

Weaver square gig- Decided on choir, break for lunch and instrumental to fill the part when no singing. Face painting.
Ian to contact manager to check on date. Beth to get in touch with Oxfam manger to arrange meeting. Beth to speak to Ian B about PA system and playing. Julia to speak to good news singers and Beth to let Rivendell know the dates.

Date decided on 10th December 11-3pm

For anybody wanting to help out a bit we need help with any of these:
Cutting up books for the craft stall before the event
Singing as part of the choir on one or both of  the days
Playing instruments on the days
Rattling buckets
Looking after the book stall at the Co-op
Facepainting if you have a current CRB check. 
Help on the craft stall

Date of next meeting 
23rd November 7.30pm at the Bluecap. Apologies to Beth please so that we know who to hang on for.