Present: Julia, Ian, Beth
Review of the Riverside Event
- All felt it was a good money maker, making £176.20 for Oxfam. It needed less planning than other events for a good return. Many thanks were extended to Ian and Julia for organising it and getting such fantastic numbers.
- The service at the Riverside was poor so Julia and Ian wrote a letter. The Riverside have offered a free meal for two. We are thinking of raffling this to make some more funds. Beth to check with Heather about the legality of running a raffle over several weeks.
- The woodpecker In Northwich do a 2 for 1 in the day. We are thinking of approaching them to see if they will do a deal in the evening, limited menu and pre order. This would take place in Jan/feb 2012. Julia and Ian to look into.
- Beth will send out press release with amount raised and plans for future, also call out for new members.
Carol Concert Ideas
- Julia put forward idea of Karaoke Carols in supermarket receptions, this would take a number of singers and could ask for volunteers who want to sing too. Possible venues were Morrisons- winsford, Asda- winsford Tescos-Northwich and Northwich train station. Beth to pen a letter to the supermarkets to see if this is a possibility.
- Beth said that this idea depends on the quality of the singers, maybe we could approach buskers, willing oindividuals from choirs folk club etc.
- Carols and Kids-include facepainting, craft activity. We need to think of places were families go. Possible ideas were Garden centres and Play centres. We could also tag onto other events. All to keep eyes out for Christmas events to tag onto.
Any Other Business
Ian had noticed that there was an oxfam football match and was eager to find out what the final amount raised was. Beth to ask Heather.
Still need new members to join to committee. Beth to chase up existing members to see where we are up to.
Next meeting Tuesday 6th September at the Bluecap 7.30pm