Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Riverside meal here we come
Not quite Fuzzies Taco shop but still all the fun of the fair as we head off tomorrow to the Riverside Pub to have a good night and raise some funds. We are taking advantage of the buy one get one free offer. You pay the pub for one meal and the other free meal price gets donated to Oxfam. Simple idea hopefully loads of money in the collecting tins. The money from this one will be going to the East Africa appeal. You can find out why this is so important here.
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Oxcan Minutes 14th July 2011
Present: Beth, Ian, Julia, Heather and Lizzie
Apologies: Helen, Pat and Chris
- Numbers:
- Julia and Ian – definite 10 and possibly 20. Their Church group are joining as well; they will have a definite figure by Monday.
- Beth +3
- Heather + 3
- Lizzie +3
- We will ask them to put the Oxfam money to one side. Beth has some collection boxes and Heather has said she can take it
- Julia’s friend is doing a quiz we can hand around
- Instead of doing a raffle, we could do prizes or the quiz
- If everyone could bring something to put in for prizes that would be wonderful
- Have some Oxfam literature available for people to look at
- Have the ‘goat stand’ so w can sell gifts etc, may stimulate some more recruits
- Heather to make some flyers to encourage people to sign up and join us
- Beth is going to write the press release and Heather will send some wording about The East Africa Appeal
- Have something in the middle of the table – something that will let people know the money is going to The East Africa Appeal
- Beth to send Harriet some wording through to make cards to put in the centre of the table
- Heather to bring the leaflets etc to stick on the collection buckets
- Organising the money – Heather to take the cash/cheques away. Try and tell people to bring money to the evening to give to Oxfam
The Big Zoom
§ Not had as much success as they would have liked. It was found to be most successful at a local level.
§ Approaching a local nursery may be the best option
The Next Big Event
§ Keen to organise a Carol Service for December
§ Beth’s choir may be able to do something
§ We all need to think about where the best place to hold it would be
§ Concerns about the cost – we would have to try and make sure we could do it as cheaply as possibly
§ Venues:
o Churches – you can’t charge people entry but you could have collection boxes being passed around
o Village Hall – We would be able to charge people entry. In Sandiway the cost for hire is £40 for 2 hours
o British Legion in
o Delamere – something to potentially look at. Difficulties conducting something outside were raised – electricity for music and heating up drinks
o Blakemere – Beth to ask
Tatton Flower Show
§ Oxfam have an 8x8 garden on show. They’ll have a stand – trying to get people interested in signing up and generally fundraising
§ Heather is going to talk to people and try to get people to sign up. May be able to try and recruit
Next meeting - Tuesday 11th August 2011 at the Blue Cap 7.30pm