Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Oxcan Minutes 19th April 2011

Oxcan Minutes

18th April 2011

The Blue Cap

Present: Beth, Ian, Julia, Heather and Lizzie

Apologies: Helen, Pat and Chris

Positions within the group

  • Lizzie volunteered to be secretary
  • We still need to find someone to be Chair and two people to be Treasurers (we need two to be able to sign off cheques etc)
  • There is the possibility of rotating these roles to vary it for everyone and so people don’t feel there is too much responsibility/pressure put upon them

Action: Find three other people to take up these remaining two roles


  • The idea of everyone bringing a friend to a 2 for 1 meal – everyone paying, the money that doesn’t go on the meal goes to Oxfam.
    • What kind of things could we do at the meal? Would we want a guest speaker, a pub quiz, just let people chat?
    • Thinking potentially sometime in June – Thursday evening?
    • New campaign coming out in May ‘Grow’ could work around food, should we tie the meal in with that?
    • Bring some Oxfam merchandise in to help promote the cause
    • Acton Bridge – The Riverside Inn do BOGOF could look into that
  • Julia asked Churches Together if they would be willing to do an event like Songs of Praise and give to Oxfam instead of Christian Aid – not possible
  • Beth’s choir have offered to do something in the day in October to help raise money
  • A lady Ian and Julia know may be able to help – part of a choir, they may be able to do something.


  • Julia and Ian to phone The Riverside Inn and see what night they would be able to offer (thinking about 20 people) and what deals they could do.


  • Tagging onto fetes – summery, would mean we would have a captive audience already there, could have a stall
  • Selling ‘Oxcan Fair Trade Tea’. We could decide on the name of it, would be supporting local communities. Would need to decide where to sell it –local Oxfam charity shops?
  • Thunder Sprint (May 8th) too late this year. Next year? Could have a fundraising stall with games and inof
  • Strongest Man? Could we get anything there? We’d have a captive audience.
  • Carboot sales – proceeds go to Oxfam
  • Picnics/Medieval Dinner and Acts – would be more difficult to execute. Elements are there but we’d have to see if we had the market
  • Do we want another speakers event? What do we want to find out?
    • WI often like Oxfam speakers, look for other people/groups who would be keen in supporting more international charities


      • Heather to get a list of speakers for the area
      • Beth to contact Jane from Groundwork
      • Lizzie to find out if we could use Sir John Deans, do we have any contacts there?

Oxfam Events

  • ‘The Big Zoom’. Aimed at children under 5 and parents. Asking for sponsored event of a zoom on a trike, pram, bike and
    • We could approach local schools – Oxfam would provide leafets to handout
    • More nurseries etc where we can get involved the better
    • Aimed at under 5 but could be older
    • Info on Oxfam website
    • If we can get anyone, it would count as an Oxcan success!

Action: Lizzie to check with some local schools, family etc. It would be at the end of June

AOB: Next meeting Monday 6th June 2011 Kingfisher, Northwic